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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Never Doubt Yourself - Bobbi York

First of all, hello! My name is Bobbi York and I'm a junior from Douglas, Wyoming. And I am a junior that attends a boarding school in Colorado Springs, Colorado. When I left home my freshman year, I was a scared 14 year old who suddenly was on her own. Luckily, rodeo is a sports team at my school and that's where I found my place. I, unlike so many, only started to rodeo my freshman year and started roping my sophomore year. My very first rodeo was November 14 (yes I can remember the date) in Kiowa, Colorado. I competed in poles and trail and one could say it did not go as planned. 
1. I forgot my clothes for the 3 day rodeo. 
2. I wanted my parents. 
3. I realized that I was the newby and all those kids there were better than me.  

Well my amazing family surprised me, I borrowed clothes from teammates but #3 is something I struggle with daily. When I show up to the rodeo I constantly think that I will be beat by these other girls or that I don't belong here. And that's wrong on so many levels. From waking up at 5 to rope the bale to roping til it's dark after school. I have put the hours of practice in to be able to be the "top 5" as Rope says. As much as I practice, I remember that I have not been doing this as long and I certainly can't afford what these other girls can (horses, trailers, trucks, etc.) But, that's where my biggest downfall is: mentally. My biggest role model and coach, Beth Hiatt, has told me since freshman year that my biggest enemy is in the mirror. My doubt and lack of confidence is not from anyone else but me. Doubt is my biggest downfall and my area of weakness.

Even in my walk with the Lord I have doubted myself. I saw myself as a baby christian who, when faced with adversity, would not be able to handle it as I should. But that's the beautiful thing about Christ. Doubt and comparing ourselves is such a worldly matter. To Christ, we are all the same. It's like going to the rodeo. We all are the same and have the opportunity to be great. I have to constantly remind myself that... 
for every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). 

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