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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Guest Blogger: Abbea Faris!

Hello everybody! My name is Abbea Faris and I live in Laramie, Wy. I am in my second year of college at Casper College, where I rodeo for them. I grew up riding horses and rodoeing. To me, there is no better life to live! The atmosphere and people that come along with it, I just love! I have three older sisters and three step sibilings. I'm the only one that still rodeos. My senior year of high school is when you could say my rodeo career really took off. I got a new breakaway horse and qualified to nationals in breakaway. Ever since then, we have not slowed down one bit! 

That same summer I started competing is amateur rodeos all over Wy, Co, and Ne. I ended up second for the year end in breakaway for Wy. It was a close race till the end.Finishing up second the next year in 2014 was not an option, I pulled off the win like I told myself and won the year end in breakaway for Wyoming amateur rodeos. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Welcome to our NEW blog!

The Elite clinic is over and kids from 25 states joined us in Van, Texas to become better in their sport. They learned ways to improve in all aspects of their events and their lives.  These students like many other past students leave here and return to their homes to put the knowledge gained here into practice as they compete in their home states.  Inevitably some of the details get lost over time and bad habits can re-emerge.